Sunday 1 April 2007

Bean's Holiday and our night out

My friend Cherry decided to hold an advanced celebration of her birthday by inviting a few friends for a movie and coffee. We saw Mr. Bean's Holiday since she wanted to watch something brainless and, of course, the movie rose to the occasion. :) Rowan Atkinson's comedic timing is a classic and having the movie set mostly in France gave a peek at the French countryside and the Riviera. Ah, c'est tres tres magnifique!

Cherry, Jack and I decided to meet up a couple of hours earlier to have dinner and catch up in this wonderful Thai resto we found just a couple of hundred yards to the left of Odeon cinema near High St. Kensington. We had stir-fry, sweet and sour and curry dishes, yummy treats all! Call me stereotypical, but nothings beats a good main dish eaten with fried rice.

Though the movie was for cheap laughs, the company was heaps better. They were a bunch of very interesting characters, none of which I would mind seeing again mainly because they graciously laugh at my lame jokes (I'll never forget it *sniff*). I think the coolest conversation topic was about the metal music scene which definitely perked Jack up since he was a metal fan back in the early 90's. This then resulted to a music download spree til the wee hours of Sunday morning and my iPod being infiltrated by Queensryche, Metallic and others.

Overall, it was good fun. Thanks again for the invite Cher!


Anonymous said...

haler! haler! finally! hehe.. 'saw spongebob peeking under the suit.. :D more pictures please! :)
take care always! mmwah!

freefall said...

hey hey, at last meron na akong 2 readers! ikaw at si pargad mwahahaha..

oh yes, if i could have a cartoon as a kid, si spongebob ang panganay namin. ;) nga pala, i finished the game! o di ba, di naman halatang marami akong free time, ano?

ingat din..

The Portrait Photographer said...

hi cha, count me 3, im one of the new readers of your blog. :)

Anonymous said...

hiya fibz! thanks for visiting. balik-balikan mo for updates ha..

fab blog, btw. you're really getting good as a photographer.