Tuesday 24 April 2007

This morning's cab ride

Had a crazy cab ride this morning. I was hoping to catch the 7:27 from Bourne End but found myself being educated about skin cancer instead. Apparently, my cabbie, Sally, survived it twice. Hollywood more or less stuck with the reserved, tight-lipped stereotype of the English. They haven't met Sally, obviously...or heard her describe how she watched as the doctor put a scalpel to her face.

Did you know that...
...there are 40 types of skin cancer?
...a lot of them can be superficial (meaning, it just sits on your skin and spread increasingly in area, not in depth)? These can be extracted by surgery quite easily and you're (almost always) good as new.
...you should watch your moles? Especially if they're raised, have gone black and/or edges have become faded or faint. If they start getting inflamed on the edges, go to the doctor quick. According to Sally, it's a sign that the mole has started going into your skin.

So, I missed my train and held up training for 2 other participants for more than 15 minutes (I know...yaiks!). It gave me time to jot this down, though... and do an impromptu inventory of my moles. Time well spent, if you ask me. Slather on that sunscreen!

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