Wednesday 21 March 2007


I've been down with the chicken pox for the past two weeks. I know, I know, I'm too old to have chicken pox and I'm not supposed to scratch 'em. (But it's sooo ITCHY!!) So that means I am left to my own devices for over ten days.

So what have I been doing?

1. I spend most of my time online, watching movies, clips, etc. on (yes, it's back up) and I am amazed on the time I spend on these things. I suppose I should be regretful because it is not exactly time well spent, is it? But, I'm not. Chicken pox gave me the license not to care. To be extravagant with my time.. to bum around. Bliss..

2. I did not do a single housechore. Not one, even though I'm feeling ok, just spotty. Haha!
I even let P do the cooking. Sama ko 'no? Abusado ba?

3. Nothing much! Oh, I did finish a book. Other than that, nothing much!

I'm going back to work next week.. it must end sometime.


Anonymous said...

Can you eat chicken while you have chicken pox? Tell your P to make some pinikpikan. Then, I think you'll start REALLY scratching.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Suany!

I actually drank raw egg on the the advice of my ma. I can still remember the slimey way it glided down my throat. A cherished memory for sure!