Monday 26 March 2007

First and Second Life

It's my first day at work after a two-week absence due to chicken pox.

It's currently 2:19 in the afternoon and I have a headache. It's probably due to staring at a monitor and doing one single task for the past couple of hours.

Must..concentrate.. must..not..fall..asleep..

Dang I miss my siestas.

It's scary how your brain shifts to low-batt mode after going on a holiday from work. Surely if you stay away long enough it'll grind to a complete stop? Must keep on exercising the old girl, lest I go batty. There goes my future great scientific contribution to mankind. :))


I'm trying to go to bed early, from Sunday to Thursday, from this week onwards hoping that it will help me get up early. My target time is 11pm. So far, here's how I did:

Week 1 : Mar 25 - 29
Sun - 10:00 went to bed at 10 but tossed and turned til 1:30am I think
Mon - 11:40 er, got caught up in Second Life. Met a guy from Holland in a beach resort.. It was quite nice actually. Name of the place is Golden Sands. I'll definitely go back.

1 comment:

freefall said...

Of course, planning to go to bed at a specified time has gone horribly wrong. The first week I declared to be in bed by 11pm, found me still up during ungodly hours (say like 2am) for several reasons, none of them valid. I'm currently writing this on a Sunday night and it's already 12:23 am. I really should be more serious about this.