Sunday 11 February 2007

Mobile Weekend

Jack's due to work in Oxford for the next few weeks so we tried out his driving route yesterday. After covering 30 miles in 40 minutes and marvelling at how 60mph (100kph) still relegated us to stay in the "slow" lane, we reached Oxford and, after a few minutes, his client site for the next few weeks. Pa, magugustuhan mo dito magmaneho. Relatively maganda ang kundisyon ng mga daan :) We really planned on having lunch in the city so we parked and proceeded on foot. Our feet eventually lead us to the pedestrianised city centre in search for some grub. I found a sign saying 'Covered Market' so we decided to check it out.

What a treasure!

Butcher Shop
One of the first stores we saw was a butcher shop. This one had several deer (yes, deer, Bambi) hanging on a hook: head and hooves are chopped off and innards extracted through a clean cut slicing the animal's stomach lengthwise. The animal still sported its coat and was freshly gutted judging from the small pool of blood on the floor. We assume it's waiting to be butchered. Amazing. The shop also sold other game: guinea fowl, partridge, mallard and other interesting birds. The shop also sold other meat such as rabbit and hare. P practically salivated! So we vowed to comeback and buy our fill of game. We had to because our fridge is still sadly packed with Asda supermarket meat.

Cheese Shop - Stinking Bishop
As we moved further along, the smelly of old sweaty socks brought joy to my heart. A cheese store! I wouldn't say I'm a connoisseur but I do like my cheese. Naku, Airyn, you'll love this shop. It was even selling cheese covered in mold! (Uh, Not today, thanks. Maybe never.) As I was deciding whether I wanted an Oxford Blue, I heard a man ask for the Stinking Bishop. I believe it is the favorite cheese of Wallace of Wallace and Gromit fame, thus making it celebrity cheese. Of course I had to have it! Our verdict: it's a split decision. Jack likes it, I don't. I find the flavor to be a little too strong plus it stunk up my bag!

On to the important business of lunch, we decided on Browns. I had my first ever Shepherds Pie which didn't appear to be any kind of pie at all, to my surprise. What I had was a bit of mushy minced meat dish but I liked the taste of it anyway. Over all, not bad.

Oxford's Covered Market is definitely worth a visit. Next time, I'm going to try one of the milkshake stores and Ben's cookies. Hm, cookies.. Gutom ako hehehe..

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