Sunday 28 January 2007


Being part of the Pinoy diaspora, I have friends and family everywhere. The world sure is getting smaller by the minute. This blog is for whoever wants to know what's up with me and my family. I've tried the anonymous blog thing and found that I am neither eloquent nor pensive enough to keep a blog that people will want to read despite a dogdy pseudonym. I still have it though. Keep the dream alive and all that :)

Of course this still won't reach members of my family who always act as if it's the first time they saw a computer (Hi Ma!) but I am still not losing hope.

So beware, all this is personal. If you came here by mistake or by a random act of fate, welcome! I've decided to make this public for now, a decision I may or may not regret in the future. So, leave comments if you want.

Pero kung kapamilya/kapuso/ka-whateveritscalled.. leave me a note! I'd love to hear from you.

Or kung anak ka ng kapatid ng asawa ng uncle ko sa kapatid ng lolo ko, message me as well and let's sort out that spider web of a family tree :)

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