Tuesday 5 February 2008

Reminiscing in Manchester

So I'm here in Manchester (pronounced as "Manchesto", according to the locals) to work on a project for a month or so. I'm quite excited as I haven't had an urban buzz for a long time. Plus, I've never been to Manchester so all the more interesting. As I weave through rush hour traffic, I caught myself smiling, which was weird because, clearly there was nothing to smile about: I was either moving at a snail's pace or had to drive more aggressively than normal. Then it hit me how much I'm being reminded of Manila. Going into the Chester Road Underpass, with its looming concrete walls, felt like going into Cubao Ilalim and the sea of lit up brake lights in front of me transported me back to good old Highway 54. Funny how things get romanticised when you're 13,000 miles away.

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