Wednesday 26 December 2007

Christmas 2007

This year's Christmas celebration has been relaxed and easygoing. We went to midnight mass at All Saints and had Noche Buena with the Basilios, a young Filipino family we recently met. Christmas Day itself started with a good ole lie-in and opening of pressies. I got a new digicam (yay!) which is perfect for times when I just want to take a few quick snaps and not really need the SLR. The photo on the right is me attempting to do a stylized photo and failing. LOL. P got a Wii, which entailed the rearranging of our living room furniture. It was a good thing though, because playing on it made me break sweat! Could this be the gym of the future?? I included a clip of Jack channeling Muhammad Ali.

This horsing around was followed by lunch, this time at the Basilios apartment which is just a few minutes away from our place. The rest of the day was spent eating, chatting and more eating!


Boxing Day, I resisted the strong urge to be one with the shopping crowd and take advantage of the numerous sales going on. Instead, we opted for an after-lunch walk in Burnham Beeches, a natural reserve in Slough. It was named as such because of the Beech trees found in the reserve. The air was crisp and fresh, perfect for walking off that crispy pata.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bro, you need to firm up first before you try the wii. your flabs are flying men.

BELATED 1st wedding anny.