Friday 22 June 2007


Jack is reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell, a book I've read in the past. The theme of the book is our ability to make split-second assessments. Really interesting. We were talking about a part in the book where a psychologist claimed that just by eavesdropping in a couple's conversation over dinner, he can accurately assess if the relationship will last over 5-7 years and no more. Top of his list is contempt. If he spots contempt in the way the couple treats one another, it's doomsville for them, he says. There is a natural aversion to the word "contempt". It's sounds so nasty, doesn't it? I'm assuming people don't like to think they've done anything contemptuous, particularly to their partners. However, the psychologist claims it creeps easier and more frequent than people are willing to acknowledge. I tell you, it made us look at ourselves and ask the hard questions.

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