Wednesday 24 June 2009

Giving in to photography

Before I left Singapore, P gave me a digital DSLR to help me document my European escapades. I was thrilled to finally own my first serious photographic equipment but did not really take time to learn how to use it. So I ended up shooting from the hip and occassionally rewarded by decent photos. As time passed, I grew tired of lugging the huge camera bag around and succumbed to going back to point and shoot. Four years on, my interest is renewed by friends taking up the hobby and getting really good at it. My Facebook friends page is filled with photo enthusiasts and it made me think that maybe I can skill up as well.

Here is one of my favorites so far:

I update my Flickr photostream with new images so do visit and leave comments. It might be a slow build but I will try to keep them coming. :)