Saturday 14 February 2009

Catch-up post

So, this blog gathered some serious cobwebs the past couple of months... Here's a 60-second catch-up

December 08 - Managed to spend a really good break in the Philippines with short trips to Sagada and Tagaytay.

Jan 09 - January might be the most news-worthy month of 2009, with Great Britain seeing the worst snowfall in years. I was actually snowed in for a couple of days and had to make a short slippery trip down the hill to get some food. Other than that, most of my free time was spent catching up with friends and getting back into the groove of things.

Feb 09 - Today must be the best Valentine's Day ever. :-) Despite being over 10,000 miles away, dear hubby managed to surpise me with pressies twice with help from our friends/neighbours. Very cool.