Monday 27 October 2008

Summer's over

The clock officially turned back by 1 hour today and we're back to regular GMT. But whatever joy the extra hour in bed brings is spoiled by the thought of (much) shorter days and colder nights. At it's worst, it will be dark by 3pm and up to now, I'm still not used to it. In my past work, I sat across a big window overlooking a hill dotted by grazing cows and every time darkness sets in, I always felt the urge to pack up and call it a day. Not the best urge to have when you still have to be productive for two more hours. It is not just the darkness. Hay fever sniffles is now replaced by bouts with the common cold. My nose never worked so hard before I came to the UK. The past two winters have been mild and by the looks of the temperature we've been having the past weeks, we might pay for it with this coming one.

All these put together make a very convincing argument to hitting that snooze just one more time. Maybe I should get one of these and get a 30-minute sunrise on demand.